Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Site

We have moved to a new blog.

See you over there!!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A new Atkins for a New You


Learn how to eat the wholesome foods that will turn your body into an amazing fat-burning machine.

The updated and simplified program was created with you and your goals in mind.

Atkins is about eating delicious and healthy food -- a variety of protein, leafy greens and other vegetables, nuts, fruits, and whole grains.

Perfect for busy lifestyles: you can stick with Atkins at work, at home, on vacation, when you're eating out -- wherever you are.

More than 50 studies support the low-carb science behind Atkins.

But Atkins is more than just a diet. This healthy lifestyle focuses on maintenance from Day 1, ensuring that you'll not only take the weight off -- you'll keep it off for good. Featuring inspiring success stories, all-new recipes, and 24 weeks' worth of meal plans, The New Atkins for a New You offers the proven low-carb plan that has worked for millions, now totally updated and even easier than ever.

Okay, I understand some of you will hate this book just from the title. But coming from a diabetic, I have to say this is a must read. I have been doing Atkins off and on for 8 years. I wish it has been more on,because I now have Type II Diabetes. This last September I started to apply myself ( with monthly cheats) and I have shed 43 pounds. I found out in November that I was Type II and have fully committed myself to this way of eating ( with no cheating). I have to say that I have never felt better. My Candida is clearing up (slowly), my depression is gone and I am almost clear of the bladder infection that has haunted me for two years and I do not need to take insulin. This book is worth paying for!!!


Friday, March 5, 2010


I can feel it in the air. SPRING!!!!!!!

I suffer terribly from SAD this year was probably the worst year I have ever had. I have learned over the years to not make any major decisions during the months of November- February and I am learning to keep my mouth shut during this same time frame. I always feel like I should send out a HUGE I am sorry e-mail to everyone I have come into contact with. That said, Thank the good Lord that spring is on the way. I feel like I am coming out of my cave and ready to take on life again.

In between my trips to the park and tackling the mounds of paper work I have, I found some time to read a book. Ark Angel is the sixth book in the Alex Rider series written by British author Anthony Horowitz. I have had it on the shelf for sometime and thought it looked interesting,so I took it to the park with me this week. The main hero of the story is a 14 year old boy named Alex Rider. Alex works for the M16 ,the British version of the C.I.A. I found in the book a surprising amount of Physics and other science related facts. I never knew why tightrope walkers can do what they do,but after reading the book I now know. The book was very captivating and kept me wanting to read more. This would be a great series of books for boys in the 12- 18 age range. Bad guys do die in the book and there is a lot of action,but I did not find anything offensive in it.

This series may be just what some of you are looking for to get your boys reading.

HAPPY SPRING, MY FRIENDS!!!!! Yes, I am shouting with joy!!!


Friday, January 22, 2010

New Givaway

This time we are going to go another direction .

Created To Be His Help Meet

Created To Be His Help Meet

Somewhere over the passing years and changing culture, women have lost their way. This book is written to lead them back home. Regardless of how you began your marriage or how dark and lonely the path that has brought you to where you are now, I want you to know that it is possible today to have a marriage so good and so fulfilling that it can only be explained as a miracle.

Follow Debi Pearl as she takes the wisdom and experience of her own marriage and confirms it with the wisdom of scripture and learn how to be the "help meet" that God created you to be. You will learn to appreciate God's gift of a husband with a thankful heart that produces joy and wisdom in you and your home. Gain a better understanding of who your husband is and how your response to him can make or break your marriage. See the Bible's perspective of obedience and authority and understand how you are joint heirs to the promises of God.

The miracle of a wonderful marriage is like the miracle of birth, God allows you to be an essential contributor to the miracle. Read, enjoy and be blessed as over 330,000 other women already have.

Leave a comment and you are entered.


Winner of Giveaway!

Sonjia is the winner of our giveaway. I will be posting a new one today.

Thanks Sonjia!!


New books on-line

Good Morning Sweet Friends,

Just a quick note to let you all know that I am putting around 200, I thought it was 100, new books on-line today. I got 50 done yesterday . I am feeling ambitious today and thought I might get the rest finished. That is if Emma can find something to do besides ask me to read all the neat children's books we got in. How can you turn down a cute four year old.

I added a bunch of great homeschooling materials yesterday, and today I am working on children's books and some adult fiction and non-fiction. There will still be a few educational books coming on-line,too.

Keep an eye on the right side of the web-site and you will be the first to see the new additions.


Monday, January 11, 2010

A question that begged to be answered this weekend.

Are you guys daft or incredibly lazy?

This question was directed to my four youngest son's this weekend. I had asked them to clean up the entryway,staircase and their bedroom. When they came down an hour or so later I asked repeatedly if they had done a good job and were they finished. The answer always came back "It is done." I know I should have checked,but I was in the middle of organizing the store . Which translates to, I was knee deep in books and trying to clear a path.

Fast forward to the evening and I am frantically looking for the missing shoes that they have to wear to church the next day.[ I have to digress here as I am wondering how I managed to give birth to eight children with two legs each ,but as they grew-up they all lost a leg. We have tons of shoes that are single ; they somehow lost their mate.] Now, I am not much for tradition,so I figure they could go to church without shoes,but alas it is 0 degrees outside and I might get reported. At this point there is no way to avoid the entryway and I slowly open the door. This can be scary in my house as we are not the most organized people on the planet. Now, as a side note, it is about 6:00 (Montana time) on Saturday,so if you heard someone blowing their stack, it was me. I can not believe that they think it is okay to dump underware, garbage,shoes and dishes into a clothes basket and put it in the corner. On top of that they put toys on the bookcases and shoved things under the coat/shoe rack. It only got worse as I progressed upstairs.
So, this is where the original question comes in. It is hard for me to believe that they are daft,so I am leaning towards the lazy side of the question. As a homeschooler I do not know which answer is worse. Either they are daft and will never make it on the cover of HSLDA magazine or they are lazy and they will never make it on the cover of HSLDA magazine. Not that it is my goal to make it on the cover. I long ago learned that I am not destined for that. But they all could try a little harder to meet the high standards set before us as homeschoolers.

I have tried numerous " programs" and have not yet found one that we can stick to.

1. Managers of the Home- My Hubby actually asked me to stop doing this one. He did not like to be scheduled. But every time I get this book in the store I want to try again. There is something about it that promises perfection and I am game for that. The problem is I can never attain it.

2. Managers of their chores- I did not do this one,but I recently looked at it and I could not imagine the children running around with cards around their necks. One of them would probably get hung up on something, and hurt themselves. My children are prone to finding ways to hurt themselves they really do not need help.

3. Fly-lady- I like this one,but I think I need to make it a Home Economics course,so that everyone can be involved. It is to much work for one person to do alone. Maybe I could make them all wings and wands and they could run around doing the chores happily.

4. Wait until they leave home and miss all the mess- Everyone keeps telling me that I will miss the mess,but I really can not imagine missing 20 loads of laundry a week. I will miss them,but I can't imagine I will miss the mess they create.

At this point I think I am leaning towards #4. Maybe I should just keep wading through my own mess and work on them later.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The New Year

The New Year makes many of us reflective. I know that there are many things that I could have done better in 2009. I can actually say that I left 2009 in worse shape than I started it. I could call it my year of " I should have kept my mouth shut". That pretty much sums up the year.
This year I have plans to leave 2010 in better shape. I am learning to keep the "mouth" shut and to let things slide by. Not an easy task for an opinionated person,but I am making progress. I want to leave 2010 knowing that I was a better wife/mother/homeschooler and friend. I would like to read one inspiring book a month. This month I am reading " Alicia: My Story" by: Alicia Appleman-Jurman. This is a "Powerful,intimate,searingly impressive memoir by a uniquely courageous and unusually intuitive young girl of the Holocolst nightmare and the years following."
This book is a must read for those that love history. I would even venture to say that it is more powerful "historically" than The Hiding Place. This book took me right out of my "poor" me mentality that I have had for a month or so. I love a book that can change who I am and what direction I am going. This book did that for me. The mountains that I have to climb this year look a little easier after reading this book. Alicia's mountains were huge,but she managed to climb them and she managed to become a better person when she reached the top. I think I can do that,too.


Monday, January 4, 2010


We are going to start this out with a neat book.

Survival in the Storm: The Dust Bowl Diary of Grace Edwards

Survival in the Storm: The Dust Bowl Diary of Grace Edwards


by Katelan Janke

In 16-year-old Katelan Janke's first Dear America book, readers meet Grace Edwards, a little girl growing up in the heart of the Texas panhandle in the midst of the Dust Bowl. Fierce, dust-filled winds ravage the plains and threaten the town's agricultural livelihood. Will Grace's family's farm survive?

All you have to do is post a comment and you are entered. We will ship for free to the winner if you live outside of our local area.

Good Morning!

Welcome to my blog. This is the first time I have ventured into the blog world,so have mercy on me and I will get the hang of this.
